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  • Where is Summit Sustainable Goods located?
    You can visit us at our brick-and-mortar location insdie Made To Last Market in Lakewood. If this location is not convenient for you, simply purchase items through our online shop for shipping or local delivery. We also have pop-ups around the Denver area year-round!
  • What is zero waste? Why does it matter?
    To simplify, zero waste is about eliminating the need for trash. Some people who live zero waste lifestyles are able to limit their trash (anything that's thrown into landfill instead of reduced, reused, recycled or composted) to a small mason jar for an entire year! For most of us, zero waste means making small changes here and there to live a more environmentally friendly life. It means choosing to refuse what's not necessary, reduce our consumption, reuse products and recycle and compost responsibly to prevent adding to landfill usage. At Summit Sustainable Goods, we realize the importance of limiting our single-use and plastic consumption to keep our lands, waters and planet healthy and clean. That's why we've specially curated a list of locally produced products that are high-quality and intentionally crafted to keep unnecessary packaging and contaminants from entering our ecosystem.
  • What if I'm not satisfied with my products?
    We've got you covered! If you're not loving your new sustainable products, simply email and we'll determine our next steps to keep you happy and finding products that fit your life.
  • What about the packaging that comes with my online order?
    We realize that packaging is sometimes just part of the deal when shipping and safely transporting products to you. So we've gone extra lengths to make sure what we use is as eco-friendly as it can be. From reusing pre-loved packaging to choosing packaging from companies such as EcoEnclose that put an emphasis on environmentally-friendly packing materials, we're conscientious throughout our entire process. We always recommend reusing the packaging again as well!
  • What precautions are you taking due to COVID-19?
    The health and safety of our customers is our top priority! COVID-19 presents some challenges in the zero waste world, but we are making sure to live into our values while also ensuring community health. Cloth masks are worn at all times when around others and when packing orders. We frequently use contaminant-free sanitizer while working, and always wash hands before and after interactions. To learn more about how we're keeping you safe, send us an email at

Frequently Asked Questions.

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